Mark Baskinger

Mark Baskinger serves as Professor, Chair of Product Design, and Director of the Joseph Ballay Center for Design Fusion in the School of Design. His research interests include tangible interaction design, deep time artifacts and material culture, durational design and methodologies for visual thinking.
His work has been featured in design publications and international magazines and has been exhibited at the Centre Pompidou (Paris), the Museum of Modern Art (New York), I-Space Gallery (Chicago), Krannert Art Museum (Illinois), Miller Institute of Contemporary Art (Pittsburgh), Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Pittsburgh), Galeria Miejska bwa w Bydgoszczy (Poland), Vasarely Museum (Budapest), Tojo House (Japan), Supercollider (Los Angeles), among others. His work is also included in the permanent art collections of the University of Illinois, Carnegie Mellon University, and the Smithsonian Institution; and his sculptural objects are sold exclusively through Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh. Reliefs II, a highly intricate site-specific sculpture of five 12' panels he designed is prominently featured in the atrium of the Tepper School of Business.
He has won numerous design awards from ID Magazine and the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDEA), and personally holds five U.S. design patents in addition to being associated with many design and utility patents for his product development consulting. Mark was the 2010 recipient of the prestigious Henry Hornbostel Teaching Award at Carnegie Mellon and was also recognized by the Design Intelligence Journal as one of the 'Most Admired Industrial Design Educators' in the US. His work has been featured by CNN, NPR, Popular Science, Smithsonian Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Vice, France.tv, and Wired, among others.
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Mark is also co-author of Drawing Ideas®: a hand-drawn approach for better design published in 2013 as the first design book for Watson-Guptill, a division of Penguin-Random House (now under the Ten Speed Press imprint). Currently in its seventh printing, Drawing Ideas is also published in Spanish (Dibujar las Ideas) and has become a staple textbook for many design programs. An international speaker and workshop leader, he offers Drawing Ideas®, Visual Thinking, and Design Methods workshops in conference and business contexts where he makes design accessible to a broader audience and demonstrates strategies and techniques to foster collaboration, creative agency, and innovation. In this capacity he has conducted over 70 workshops with Fortune 500 companies, independent design and technology firms, academic programs, and industry conferences.
As a thought leader in interaction design, he has published papers and articles on the language of designed artifacts, inclusive/universal design, visual “noise” in product design, tangible interaction, UX, and methodologies of visualization. Mark was also a contributing author for UX Magazine writing key articles that connected the emerging field of interaction design to foundational design practices. As a strong advocate for design within the tech industries, Mark served as the co-chair for the design community of CHI2009 in Boston and co-chair for the studios and workshops track for TEI 2016: 10th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (Netherlands) using these conferences as platforms to amplify the presence of design practice and pedagogy.
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Mark has played a key role in collaboration with many units on campus, including: workshop leader for the Tepper School of Business, industrial design consultant to the Disney Research interaction design group, researcher and founding design member of the Quality of Life Technology Engineering Research Center through Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh supported by NSF, design consultant to CMU Robotics Institute, core faculty member of the former Master of Tangible Interaction Design (mTID) program through CMU School of Architecture, affiliate faculty member and master's project advisor for the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII), affiliate faculty for the Heinz College, and researcher with the d.search-labs an experimental design laboratory and partner at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands (TU/e). As a fellow in The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon, he co-directed the MoonArk project (@CMU_MoonArk), primary cultural payload on the Astrobotic Technology's first commercial lunar lander mission. This project united 11 units on campus, 18 organizations, and more than 300 international collaborators and continues on through a suite of deep time cultural artifact projects through CMU's Moon Arts Group.
In parallel to his faculty and administrative roles, he serves as an assistant coach and faculty advisor for Carnegie Mellon's ice hockey team.
Prior to joining Carnegie Mellon, Mark was a creative director at Corchia Woliner Rhoda in New York City, was the lead designer at the Wildlife Conservation Society / Central Park Zoo - Exhibits and Graphic Arts Dept, and was an industrial designer at MAYA Design in Pittsburgh. He also held a visiting faculty position in the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois (UIUC) where he initiated courses that bridged the Industrial Design and Graphic Design programs. From 2005-2017 he co-directed The Letter Thirteen Design Agency, a Pittsburgh-based interdisciplinary design firm he co-founded with a classmate from Carnegie Mellon.
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Mark holds a PhD from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University), an MFA in Industrial Design from the University of Illinois (UIUC) and a BFA in Graphic Design from Carnegie Mellon University.
My Links:
Drawing Ideas Moon Arts The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
UX Magazine Joseph Ballay Center for Design Fusion @CMU_MoonArk