
Studio Project 2024
Juhi Kedia, Joan Lee, Helen Zhang
Interactions on the Serenitea table


How can interpersonal experiences in a tea shop spark introspection and social engagement? By exploring how digital perceptions seamlessly integrate with human physical interactions. This blend creates an immersive environment where guests' actions are reflected and amplified, deepening their connection with the space and each other. 

Research images for the SereniTea project


The research combined cultural studies, patron and staff interviews, and personal experiences, leading to a responsive table that enhances tea-drinking, fosters social interactions, and narrates the tea's journey with reflectiveness, delight, and calmness.

The insights and pivots were focused on enhancing the tea-drinking experience, facilitating ambient interactions, and briefly narrating the tea's story, considering Dobra’s culture, guests' preference for quiet, and the lengthy menu.

Insights from the SereniTea project

User interactions were mapped to uncover opportunities and create a holistic experience.

The user journey for the SereniTea project

Micro-interactions were designed to mirror guest-space connections.

Demos of the interactions of the SereniTea project

The visual language was inspired by the natural patterns of the mosaic lily and brand culture of Dobra Tea.

The visual language of the SereniTea project

The physical fabrication and visualization process involved extensive ideation, multiple prototypes across various mediums, and thorough user testing to achieve the final design.

The fabrication process of the SereniTea table


SereniTea combines computer vision and projection technology for an interactive table experience, tracking teacups in real time with a webcam and Python, while p5.js generates responsive visuals. This cost-effective solution enhances engagement, promoting accessibility and sustainability.

The technology of the SereniTea project

Concept Video

Project Website: